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"How to handle swine flu situation in your school and workplace"

Swineflu help hand book goes digital

swineflu Communications handbook Click Here!

This book will help you learn what to communicate to parents about your school or district's H1N1 preparedness
swineflu Communications handbook Click Here!

Will help you be ready in the event that your school or district has a confirmed cases of H1N1.
swineflu Communications handbook Click Here!

Help you connect more meaningfully with parents, staff and community members about this critical school safety issue.

Be ready for the first weeks of school with a H1N1 communications plan.

Where else do you find a book that has:
- Ready to use templates including parent and letters, website copy, news release, call script.
- A step-by-step communications plan you can use in the event that your school is closed because of the swine flu.

- Tips and information for communicating with worried parents and staff.

- Information about how to engage your stakeholders without alarming them.
swineflu Communications handbook Click Here!

swine flu handbook

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