
h1n1,h1n1 symptoms,h1n1 vaccine,h1n1 flu symptoms,h1n1 virus,h1n1 flu pandemic,h1n1 flu,symptoms of h1n1,cdc h1n1,h1n1 swine flu,h1n1 virus symptoms,h1n1 vaccine ingredients,h1n1 influenza,first h1n1 swine flu vaccine replikins based,h1n1 map

Swine flu Virus Mutations spreading

Swine flu virus mutations are spreading in Europe, French health officials said Friday as the World Health Organisation reported a leap in deaths from the disease by more than 1,000 in a week.
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Untested swineflu h1n1 flu Jabs?

Polish Health Minister, a family doctor, tells Parliament she will not allow use of untested swine flu jabs: reveals secret contracts violate the law

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Deadly Plague? Watch out..

A DEADLY plague could sweep across Europe, doctors fear, after an outbreak of a virus in Ukraine plunged the country and its neighbours into a state of panic.

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Swine flu h1n1 - Italy h1n1 news

Virus H1N1 56 victims Campania region the most affected

H1N1 victims in Italy has peaked over 50

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Swine flu illnesses spikes to 22 million and 4000 deaths

CDC's swine flu toll: 4,000 dead, 22 million ill

Death Estimates from swine flu-h1n1 have grown to nearly 4,000 since April, roughly quadrupling previous estimates. But that doesn't mean swine flu suddenly has worsened.
A full report on yahoo news

"How to handle swine flu situation in your school and workplace"

Swineflu help hand book goes digital

swineflu Communications handbook Click Here!

This book will help you learn what to communicate to parents about your school or district's H1N1 preparedness
swineflu Communications handbook Click Here!

Will help you be ready in the event that your school or district has a confirmed cases of H1N1.
swineflu Communications handbook Click Here!

Help you connect more meaningfully with parents, staff and community members about this critical school safety issue.

Be ready for the first weeks of school with a H1N1 communications plan.

Where else do you find a book that has:
- Ready to use templates including parent and letters, website copy, news release, call script.
- A step-by-step communications plan you can use in the event that your school is closed because of the swine flu.

- Tips and information for communicating with worried parents and staff.

- Information about how to engage your stakeholders without alarming them.
swineflu Communications handbook Click Here!

swine flu handbook

Making tonnes of cash with h1n1 swineflu fears

A very nice article for Italian readers on speculations and people cashing in on swineflu
Influenza A: c’è chi specula sulla paura e ci guadagna (tanto) read on here

Swine flu h1n1 vaccines

More than 38 million vaccine doses available against swine flu

Cat Swine flu

Cat swine flu no need to panic

Influenza Protection Kit

Influenza h1n1 protection kit

Influenza Protection Kit

Protect your workers this season from colds and flus

* Individual Influenza Precaution Kits contain the supplies you need to ward off infection
* Choose from Daily or Multi-Day Kits
o Deluxe Multi-Day Influenza Protection Kit contains:
+ 2 N95 masks
+ 4 Face masks with earloops
+ 4 Vinyl gloves
+ 1 Hand sanitizer 2oz.
+ 15 Antimicrobial hand wipes
+ 1 Packet tissues
+ 4 Thermometers (single-use)
o Daily Influenza Protection Kit contains:
+ 1 N95 mask
+ 2 Vinyl gloves
+ 4 Antimicrobial hand wipes
+ 1 Infectious waste bag

H1N1swine flu: Waiting for the Vaccine

was reading some news on swine flu and news-leader.com has an article on 'patience necessary when waiting for the coming home of the swine flu vaccine

H1N1 in China increasing

Chinese Premier Wen Jiabao called for tightened prevention measures against A/H1N1 influenza as the country recorded an increasing number of people catching seasonal influenza upon the arrival of winter.